Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pray for the Sick

A door has been opened for us to share with HIV patients through the 2 teams from Arkansas this past month. Together, we came alongside hospitals trying to minister to these patients. Through games, singing worship songs, pictures of their families, passing out snacks, dancing, praying for and loving on these patients, God used these teams to give us and our Thai nationals many opportunities to verbally share the story of His love. In addition, the hospital administrators, nurses, and even district leaders gave us approval to continual to host activities and follow up with these patients. Given that they already know that we are Christians, we see this as a major break-through. Pray for Dane and Jar, grandparents of Oriah, a five-year-old who was infected from her parents who have already passed away. Pray for Jinn, the leader of one of the networks here who himself is infected. He has heard the gospel before and seems open to learn more. Pray for Pat. He is not infected, but his wife is. He is greatly concerned that his 2 children could possibly be infected. Pray for Sue Maria, a young women expecting twins. She is already infected. Pray that it will not be passed on to her children. We met these people and encountered many more heart-breaking stories this past week. Pray that God will open their hearts to receive the hope of his love and the life that only he can give.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Today, Yo and I went to Booyoo Island to make arrangements for next week’s team. Previously, we met a man there named Adam who is a secret believer living in this Mus!im community. After our meeting at the school, we ate lunch with Adam and a friend of his named Andy. We brought Adam a NT, because he has never had a chance to read it for himself. We began to explain it to him so that he would understand what he was reading. In doing so, we also shared the good news with both of these young men. As we were sharing , we noticed that Andy was also agreeing with everything we were saying. When we finished, Adam affirmed that he believed it was the truth. We turned and asked Andy also. To our surprise, he said that he also believed! We are so excited. We prayed with both of these men. They are eager to meet with us regularly to study the Word and begin praying together, but we must be careful also. Both men are in their twenties and still live with their parents, who would oppose them if it became known that they were believers. Andy is believing, but we can sense much apprehension. Please join us in praying for these young men. Pray that they will stand firm in their belief. Pray for God’s protection and strength. Pray that we will have wisdom to disciple them.