Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve, we had a little party right in front of our house in town. Many of our neighbors came by for some punch, cookies, and popcorn. Libby and Emily were home from school, so our whole family was involved. We had given special invitations to many of our Mus!im friends that we have met this past year. Two of them, Chem and Soap, stopped by along with Chem's family and sat and chatted with us for over an hour. Chem then invited us to go to the seaside with his family and to visit some of his friends in another county. So... all day Monday, we were privileged to spend time with these friends. Despite a rainy forecast, the Lord gave us a beautiful day yesterday and we saw some beautiful scenery. I sat and talked with many of the men for hours and Tracy was able to spend a lot of time with the ladies. She also learned how to toast coconut treats over the fire. It was truly a great way to celebrate the New Year. Please be in prayer for these friends of ours this year that the Lord will lead many to trust in Him. Please also pray for us that the Lord will give us boldness and opportunity to share of His love with others. --- Keith