Sunday, August 21, 2011

The beginnings of a harvest are coming. Last week in Deen Khao, three people were baptized. Gao, who is the group's leader, called me this morning while preparing this week's lesson. We both think that God has been causing people in that area to think favorably toward this group. Many of those who used to oppose them no longer do. These neighbors and family have seen the miraculous changes in the believers lives. Several other seekers are coming to the meeting regularly. In addition to the adults, the children's group is growing. Pray for this group of believers that they will be protected and kept strong in their faith. Pray for the newly baptized believers that they will read the Word and pray and grow in their faith. Pray that they will share God's story with others. Pray for the villagers that many will hear and believe. Pray for God's marvelous work in this community!
Pray for Yo, Ote, and Jet, three young single Thai believers who gave this past week to ministry in our province. We spent time in prayer together. We spent time learning how to share the gospel, start groups, and make disciples. And we went out to spread the good news together. It was a real joy to see their excitement and intention to be servants of the Lord. We shared with people from every religious persuasion this week. On Thursday, we shared directly door to door and were able to share with around 15-20 people. On the other days, they shared with people they met in the town and in villages along the way using a more conversational approach. Pray that these young men will become fishermen for the Lord. Pray that they will give this vision to others in their own provinces. Pray for southern Thailand that the Lord will begin to reap a great harvest.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Last night I went out for a walk and started talking with some neighborhood men sitting in front of a little shop.  They invited me to sit and we talked for a while.  After a while, one of them made a comment that Thais were Buddhists and westerners were Christians.  I tried to explain a little to them, and didn't seem to get anywhere.  It really reminded me again how difficult it is in some places (here for example) to even understand the word "God".