Tuesday, June 21, 2011

NC Team Opens Doors

We are so thanking to have the team from Gastonia, NC here this week. This is the first time have had a team here in Satun. As they work in schools teaching English and doing activities, they are opening doors for us throughout the community. Our objective is to be able to enter these cousin communities without objection and to talk with anyone we can about what God has done.

Keep on praying for this team of 5 from Flintgroves BC as they continue to serve the Lord here another 2 days. We are also thankful to all of those who are praying for us and for this team as they help us here in southern Thailand!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Blog Update

I realize that I haven't been faithful in keeping everyone posted and I am truly sorry about that. I am going to try to be more faithful with that beginning with this one:
First, let me give a summary of what has been going on and how you can pray for us.

Yo, (our seminary intern), and I met a man who was formerly a cousin, but who has been a believer for about 10 years. His name is Ote. He is greatly interested in sharing with other cousins and began to join with us in our training times every week. He has also been a great help to us in determining effective language to use with the people here in this province.

In addition, he and his wife and another young believer wish to start a small group. This will in essence be a group from which we hope to begin sharing with others and starting many new groups. It will also train these believers in how to lead house groups. This first group is meeting this Sunday night. Yo and I will be working with Ote to lead the group himself. Please be praying for Ote and his wife. Pray for this group as it begins that it will give them vision and hope for their families and neighbors.

This week, we are privileged to host our group from Gastonia, North Carolina. They have been working the past few days in Phang-nga and Krabi with Ong to train the believers there and to share the gospel in the Deen Khao neighborhood. They will be coming to this province to work with us here in the local schools in cousin communities. Pray for this team that the Lord will use them to open many doors to people hearing the message.

On a special note: Pray for Ong's wife, Ning, as she was in a car accident yesterday. She has hurt her arm and shoulder. We thank the Lord for his protecting her.

Pray for this NC team, for Yo and myself as we share with individuals over the next few weeks. We have found several people who seem to be responsive. Pray that the Lord will tear down the walls that keep them from hearing. Pray that he will open their hearts to believe. Pray that His Word will be effectively presented.

Again, thank you so much for your patience. I realize this is many blogs rolled into one. May the Lord teach each of us to be men and women who pray on our knees for his Kingdom to come.

Remember: As light shatters darkness; so truth shatters deception.
For the Kingdom