Thursday, May 05, 2011

Island Friends

What a day! Yo and I were privileged to be invited to a big county office competition on a nearby island. Eight counties met together for this annual competition in soccer and volleyball. We left in the morning by boat and arrived at the island an hour later. We ate a big lunch of mussels, crab, lobster, fish, shrimp, rice, and watermelon in two different homes. I got to meet the heads of several counties as well as the mayors of several villages. Really, they treated me like an honored guest. They even gave me a Jebilang county t-shirt and announced my arrival at the playing field.
I got to make many new friends. I really believe this will be instrumental in allowing us free access to many villages and islands in the area. We arrived home very tired around 9 p.m.

By the way, Yo is a seminary intern who will be working with us for 1 year. I will introduce him more in another blog. Please keep on praying for us in this work! Thanks so much! Below are a few pictures of events of the day.