Monday, April 18, 2011


Today, I met Jacob and Adet at the local teashop. As soon as Jacob saw me, he gave me his chair and insisted I sit down and talk with him. I ordered some food, but they were backed up and it took a long while. I think God planned it that way because I got to share J with both men. Jacob wants me to come and see him at his house in Jebilang. Also, Yee and his wife (the one's who run the cafe) invited me to a circumcision this Saturday--- their son is 8. (Here it is much like a wedding ceremony with food provided all day.) Jacob told me that he would meet me there. I am just praying that the Lord will lead me in all of this and give us many opportunities to share with these men. Please be praying.... I am not sure, but I think that Jacob said that he saw my face in a dream. Very interesting. May the Lord lead him to the knowledge of grace.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Open Windows

Today, as I drove through the village looking for the headman's house, I determined to keep the windows down and be vigilantly ready to stop and talk with men that I found, wherever they might be. I talked to people in a teashop, a noodle shop, a man standing in front of his house, and some men sitting (and laying) on a wooden porch beside a little shop. They were so nice. One man in particular, Bang Sak, bought some coffee for me and talked with me about 20 minutes. Then, i was surprised to see the head of the district walk up. (I had previously shared with him). his name is Sahat. When I told him I was looking for the headman's house, he offered to go with me (along with another young man and his wife) and take me to see another headman. We went on a pretty long trek through the country and stopped at a wedding party for a dinner and conversation with a group of about five or six people. Then, we stopped and talked to the headman at another little teashop. So, all in all I got to meet and visit with many people today, but I was disappointed because I didn't get the opportunity to share JC with any of them. Then, on the way back, Sahat asked me a great question, "What do Christians do when they sin?" I got a great opportunity to explain what JC has done for us and how he helps us to live for him through his Spirit. In addition, I gave them each a book of Luke. Join with me in praying for Sahat and Don and his wife. May the Word wondrously open their eyes to the Truth.