Thursday, March 31, 2011

Forever Man

Exhausted is the way I feel sometimes after sharing with my Thai friends. A couple of weeks ago, I gave a Bible to "Forever Man" (this is the meaning of his name). He accepted it but said that he needed some reading glasses. So today, I took some reading glasses to him. He immediately brought out the Bible and to read at the beginning. This led into a discussion in which I was able to share at length with him. I really felt that he was listening intently and that God was working on his heart. I was so disappointed, however, when at the end he reasserted some of the basic beliefs of his religion. He is like a man who is born and raised in a small room and told never to go outside, never open the door or even look out the window for fear of hell. It is so difficult for this people group to know the "big outdoors" of who God really is. Join me in praying for "Forever Man" and the many others like him. Pray that Jesus will reveal himself to him in dreams or like Paul on the road to Damascus! May the Lord open his eyes that he may truly see!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Niran means Forever

Yesterday, I went to see Niran again. (Niran means Forever in Thai). He is a 50 year old man who lives in a village not too far from our town. He likes to practice his English with me and teach me a little Malay. (His village speaks both Thai and Malay). After about a half-hour, the call to prayer sounded from the mosque behind his house. He said that it was a sin if he didn't go, so I told him that if he needed to go, it was okay. Instead, he decided to stay and talk with me. After this, we spend some time talking about God and our beliefs. We read some from the Bible together and I gave him a copy. The whole time we were talking, I was praying that the Lord would open his ears to the gospel. Please pray for Niran that the Lord would reveal himself to him and that he would read the Bible I gave him.