Monday, February 14, 2011

Teashop Talk

Today, I got to visit with Lang and Mang again at the local teashop. Lang is determined to teach me a little Malay language (some of the communities by the coast speak Malay as well as Thai here) so I studied with him for about 30 minutes. I am trying to help him with his English in the process also. Before I left, I gave them both the gospel of Luke. Lang said that he would read it and wants to talk with me about the Koran also. Pray that the Lord will give me wisdom in these conversations and that in everything His love will be evident.

Waterfall Conversations

Sunday, Tracy and I went to visit a couple that we met at a local waterfall, Tan and Dtik. We took some pictures that Tracy had taken and also a VCD and the book of John. We had a really good visit. They seemed to really appreciate our friendship. We hope to take them out to eat soon at a seafood restaurant that they mentioned near the dock. Pray for these two that they will read and listen to the Word of God and that He will touch their hearts.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Book

Today, I went out with new brochures that tell of the volunteer teams that will be coming this year and the benefits to the schools and communities. This gives me a great reason to be out in the villages talking to village leaders, principles, and people along the way.
I had a really good visit with the head of a district named Abdullah. After I shared about the teams, we talked about the religion in the area and I was able to share about J also. He seemed really interested in reading the book, so I was able to give him a NT before I left. He wants me to teach him a little English, so that may allow me to talk with him further. Be praying for this man and the community of Kuan Kan.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Jebilang fishing village

Niran is a 50 year old man that I met in a coffee shop a few weeks ago. He had invited me to his home in his village outside the city, so today I had the opportunity to go visit him. He seemed excited that I came and we sat down in his home and he began to share about his life, family, and his religion (!slam) among other things. The Lord opened up an opportunity to share with him about Jesus. We talked the better part of 2 hours about the Messiah, the cross, and things which the Bible teaches along with what is taught in the Koran. While he is eager to talk about these things, it is very difficult for him to consider that he has been deceived. However, he tells me that he is free most every day and seems eager to talk and even study the Bible with me. Let me ask you to join with me in praying for this man and the other men in Jebilang village. Pray that God's Word will penetrate their hearts and that they will have the courage to believe.

I am going to try to put these up faithfully (at least once a week if possible)! May the Lord make each of us men and women of prayer!