Monday, September 06, 2010

Gosone and Deen Khao

I went by to visit with Gosone (who I have talked with now five or six times) about the gospel and trusting in Jesus. He would have been working today, but was apparently he had disturbed a bee's nest while weed-eating. He was stung 6 or 7 times and his face was swollen. However, I was glad that he was home and we had the chance to talk. He told me today that he must make a decision soon. He told me that he cannot walk on two paths. He will either choose to remain Buddhist or become a Christian. Please be praying for him!

We also had a wonderful meeting today with our Deen Khao group. Gao (who has the bedsores) was MUCH BETTER! Thank you Lord! and thank you to those of you who lifted him up in prayer. Not only that, but I can see that his faith is increasing. He prayed a beautiful prayer during our meeting today. His wife said that he said that when he can walk again, he wants to share the gospel. I pray that day will come! (Ong and Ning also joined us today from Krabi and that made it extra special).

Friday, September 03, 2010

Prayer opens doors to proclaim the Gospel

As we traveled through the province looking for a house these past few days, it was easy to be overwhelmed by the task before us and I wondered how we will be able to freely proclaim the Gospel among this people so blinded and held captive by a false religion. This morning, as I was reading from E.M. Bounds in my Quiet Time, he says....

"Prayer opened doors of utterance, created opportunities, and made openings to preach the Gospel for the apostles. The appeal by prayer was to God, because God was moved by prayer. God was thereby moved to do His own work in an enlarged way and by new ways. not only great power and open doors to the Gospel, but it also gives facility to the Gospel. Prayer makes the Gospel go fast and move with glorious speed." (E.M. Bounds - The Possibilities of Prayer)

Please make this your prayer for us and for all the workers here in Thailand. Pray that God will give us many opportunities to share the Gospel, because it is "the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." (Romans 1:16)

"Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance." (Colossians 4:3)

House Found

Thank you so much for praying for us in our search for a house. Tracy and I went back to the province and looked another 2 full days before finally concluding that we should go with the original house we found. It needs some work in make a kitchen area and other things, but we praise the Lord because it is right for us in many ways.