Friday, August 27, 2010

Light shatters the Darkness. Truth shatters the Lies.

Today I had a great opportunity to visit with two men I who have shown much interest in God and even faith in the past. Both Dang and Gosong come from Buddhist backgrounds and have been very confused, but they are both now reading God's Word and asking questions. Dang had many questions concerning who Jesus is. Pray that God will answer these questions for him and help him to trust in Him. Gosong also has been exposed to many false religions, but is seeking the Truth. Pray that God will give both of these men a hunger for the Truth and bring each of them into a right relationship with himself.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Looking for a house

We are getting ready to move to a new province as many of you know. Please continue to pray for us in regards to a house. We had thought that we found one, but there are too many problems with it. The Hong Kong brother we met volunteered to look for us after he returns from a meeting on Friday. We have commitments here through Monday, so we will leave Tuesday morning. Please pray that we have peace about where the Lord would have us live. We will keep you all posted.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Deen Khao Update

Keep praying for Gao and Grandma Arom. Both of these have been sick with fever (Quite likely malaria). In addition, Gao is experiencing continual problems with bedsores. (He sleeps on a pad about an inch thick and he is paraplegic due to a lumber accident). We had a great meeting this afternoon in Deen Khao with everyone present except for the sick. Keep praying that this group will be faithful to meet regularly and grow in the Lord.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Update on Bang San

You may remember that Bang San is the Mus!im man who I befriended several months ago. I got the chance to visit with him for a couple of hours this week. I met him at his home where he lives with his wife (wives?) and a couple of grown sons. I had already shared with him the gospel and had given him a Bible to read. This week, I got to share with him more extensively. He actually has quite a bit of knowledge about what his holy book teaches about Jesus and the differences with what we as Christians believe. It is so difficult for him to consider that his book may be in error. Please join with me in praying for him. Pray that God will reveal himself to him and that his eyes will be opened to the truth. Pray that the doorway will remain open for the gospel. Thanks so much for your prayers.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Glad to Be Home!

July was a busy month for us. We were away from home the whole month. We helped with a camp for MKs, went to our annual meeting, and I was able to take two weeks of seminary classes in Chiang Mai that helped me learn how to better communicate with the people of southern Thailand. This past week at home we have been catching up on some essentials and also taking some rest time. This coming month, we will be looking for a house to rent in Satun, a province a little further south. We believe that it will be a strategic move for us. Please be in prayer for our family during this time.

Our house group in Deen Khao met on their own while we were gone. They did have a few obstacles to overcome such as malaria and lots and lots of rain, but praise the Lord, they are becoming more confident in the Lord to help them be the church in this area. Please be praying for Gao, however. He called today to tell me that he is sick with fever. Pray that God will bring healing to his body.