Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dang Nab It!

Dang is so close to believing. He is the man we met a few months back who expressed his belief in a creator God. Yesterday morning, I met with him again. I found that while he is reading the Bible some, he was not understanding it because he was treating it like a book of proverbs that you just open somewhere and read some good sayings that will help you be a better person. I took some time and explained about some of the books of the New Testament and how it is so important to read them through from the beginning to really understand what God has done for us. He seemed really excited after that so I pray that he will read it and that the Lord will open his eyes to the truth and give him understanding. I made an appointment to see him again next week. Please join me in praying that this man and those in his family will believe and trust in Jesus.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Exciting Days!

Praise the Lord! I just finished three days leading a second workshop in Ranong Thailand on planting house churches. Ong and I led a similar workshop there about 2 years ago. Both Thai and Burmese believers were at the workshop, along with their pastors. Both men are encouraging their members in starting small groups. In fact, they have already started many house groups in their area and are concerned with training leaders to lead them. One of the pastors in particular has a real vision that his church become a center for training lay-evangelists, lay-church planters, and lay-pastors. Praise God! I am truly humbled and thankful to have a small part in this work.