Saturday, February 20, 2010

Days 3,4,5

God has been doing amazing things here with the team from Highland Heights. Today, they helped to gather a good crowd of 60 people or so for an evangelistic meeting. The Lord has really been using this to draw in more people from the Deen Khao area.
Following that, we took a much deserved trip to Khao Lak beach for some souvenir shopping, a relaxing time at the beach, and a nice dinner. We left at 9 in the morning and arrived home after 10 p.m. This team has really been working hard.
The highlight of the day was the baptism of Justin, one of the team members in the Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean)
What a blessing! Thanks for your prayers. Tomorrow we head to Krabi for another full day!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day Two

We had another great day with our Arkansas team. Today we went into a muslim area where many muslim villages are and helped to paint the wall along the front and side of the school. This is a terrific way to show them God's love and to open doors for a witness of Jesus. We had a great time interacting with the children also by teaching English and just basic conversation with these 1st - 4th graders.
Then tonight, the team led a youth group meeting at a Christian church here in the city. It was a blessing all around.
Thanks so much for your prayers. Pray for the team tomorrow as we do similar activities and share the gospel in a Buddhist area.

Day One

The Highland Heights team has arrived and God is already at work. Yesterday, we spent the afternoon going into the boonies to pass out tickets for our food distribution to the Burmese in the Tungkangok district. The Lord helped me find a group of Burmese as soon as we pulled up and after explaining (in Thai) what we were needing to do, a young man (the only one who understood me) volunteered to go with us to lead us to the Burmese homes and explain to them how they could receive the food on Friday. For me, (since I don't work with the Burmese normally) it was a new experience because I (like the team) couldn't understand anything he was saying to them. THere is a lot of trust going on! haha.
Thank you for praying. Pray now that the Lord will open doors of ministry to the Burmese as other missionaries and Thai Christians begin to reach out to them.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Volunteer Team from Arkansas

In just one week, we will be joined by a team of volunteers from Highland Heights Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas. These 12 men and women will be helping us to share the gospel both verbally and through meeting physical needs as well. We will be sharing and working in schools and in villages. Pray for this team that God will prepare them spiritually and physically for the challenging week ahead of them. Pray that they will have a great week and accomplish much, but more than that, pray that they will bear fruit for the Kingdom's sake. Please keep them in special prayer from the 15th - 23rd of this month. Thank you for joining us in His work through your prayers. Prayers are effective!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Pray for the Word

One thing that greatly encourages me is that many of the men we are focusing on seem to be greatly interested in reading the Bible. They have mostly never seen one, much less read from one, but it is supposedly considered a holy book in their religion. (even the NT). I met a man the other day who was rather not interested in us sharing in his village, but when I read something from the NT, he asked to see it. After I explained what it was, he asked if he could have it. This is where, I believe, God is going to work among this people. Let me ask you who trust in the Lord to join with us in praying for these men that they will read these Bibles and see clearly that it is the Word of God. Pray that the Lord will clearly reveal himself to them in this way. 2 Thess 3:1 says, "Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you." (NASB) E.M. Bounds says that, "Prayer opens the way for the Word of God to run without hindrance. It creates the atmosphere that is favorable for the Word to accomplish its purpose."