Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bang San

Yesterday (Tuesday) I was able to go back and see Bang San (mslm man who was interested in reading the Bible). At his house, we talked for quite a while. He says he is reading some everyday. As i understand it, he is sharing everything he is reading with his family. At this point, I do not think he is believing, but rather very interested and he does hold the Word of God in a very reverent manner. Please continue to pray for him that he will be convicted of the truth of the Word and that he will believe. Pray also for the other men (about 5-6 others) who have received Bibles in this village.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now with a Sidecar

Finally, after months of waiting, we were able to purchase and install a sidecar with a roof on the motorcycle for the group at Deen Khao. This is important because it will allow them to pick each other up for our church meeting without my help. In addition, they will be able to use it to share the gospel with neighbors. Since Deen Khao village is spread out over a 5-7 kilo section of road, this will be extremely helpful. Special thanks goes out to Rich C (fellow M in NE Thailand) for supplying the motorcycle and also Flintgroves BC in NC for supplying the sidecar with the roof. Sorry I don't have a picture yet. I plan on putting one up soon.
Thanks again guys!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pray for this Team

Pray for the team from Highland Heights BC in Benton as they prepare to come next month. Pray that God will prepare both us and them and use us mightily to bear fruit for His name. They will be sharing the gospel and doing a few projects to help us get access into communities. They are led by Bub and Mandy Thomas. Pray that God will prepare their hearts to do his work.

Update on Bang Sahn

I went back to visit the men in the village that I gave Bibles too. Unfortunately, the only man there was a man who I didn't get to talk with the week before (a son-in-law of Bang Sahn. I shared with him a little. He told me that Bang Sahn(the head of the house who I gave the nice Bible to) has been talking about this with the family every night. That is all that I know about them, but that may well be exciting news if he is believing what he is reading. Please keep praying for Bang Sahn and his sons and family. May they seek the Truth and find it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hungry for the Truth

Today i was driving through a m*slim village, looking for a place to park so that I could walk from house to house, pass out booklets, and talk to people about the Lord. A man saw me and yelled "hello!" (a foreigner is a rare occurrence I am sure). I drove past him and when I got to the end of the road, I still hadn't found a place, so I turned the car around and when I got back to the man, he was standing beside the road ready to talk to me. Well, praise the Lord, I started to talk with him from the car window. Another man came up and they both seemed interested enough, so I just parked the car right there and we sat down in front of their house and talked. Another older man came up. I thought that he might object to my sharing about Jesus. Instead, he said that he was really interested. I noticed that he especially liked the Bible I brought. When i told him he could have it, he was just stunned. I ended up giving all of them NTs and we talked for about an hour. I just love it when God plans out these meetings. When i got home, I asked Tracy if they had been praying. Sure enough, they had had a special time of prayer that I would meet someone hungry for the truth! So today I am thanking God for people who pray for me. (many of them are reading this). Thank you!