Saturday, September 26, 2009

Deen Kow village update

Today, Tracy and I went to our house church group in Deen Kow village. It had been 3 weeks since we have been able to meet with them there due to travel, meetings, and RAIN! It has really been raining (just pouring!) this past several weeks. Finally today we were all together again! We had a really good time of sharing and praying for each other. We studied Acts 15 together. This week, we are challenging them to BE the church of Christ in their village by praying with and for each other.

One thing that is happening here is that in addition to the Saturday morning meeting, we now have a small group meeting at Gao and Nit's house on Monday nights. (Gao is the man paralyzed from the waist down). Ba Siang's husband has been to the hospital again in Hat Yai. He is still recovering from a motorcycle accident almost 2 years before. Before the accident, he was highly antagonistic to Ba Siang following Christ, but just this past week, he told me that he now believes. He is not able to come to the group at present due to physical limitations, but he said he would welcome me to teach him at his house. WOW! So I am excited because we may possibly have 3 different meetings going on in 2 adjacent villages.

Pray for these people and these meetings. Pray that the family members of our believers may also come to Christ through these meetings. Pray that the Church at Deen Kow will be a LIGHT to the people all around them!

Lampi VIllage update

Yesterday (Friday) I was able to get back in contact with Gosone and his wife. They are the ones who have been listening to the Bible on the MP3. They really enjoy it very much. I sense that both are believing, although there is still some confusion. I spent about 2 hours with them. At first, I thought that Gosone was really not getting it at all. He kept on comparing Christianity to Buddhism and other religions. But at the end he told me that he is believing what he is hearing. He told me he had a dream that Jesus was sitting in his house across from him and that He invited Gosone to come. Gosone said that he asked for a little more time. I really believe he is counting the cost. I sense that his wife will follow also if he will lead the way. Please be in prayer for this couple and their two children. Their daughter, Bim, was seek today and went to the doctor. I had the opportunity to pray for her also. Pray for this family in Lampi village!

Friday, September 11, 2009

He Who Has Ears to Hear

I spent the day today trying to find people who responded to the message of Christ during the medical clinic in June. I was excited to find people responding to the Word of God. I had given a man (Goson) a mp3 version of the New Testament. When I arrived at his home, he told me that he and his wife listened to it so much that the ran the battery down. He said that they are both believing, but he is concerned, because his family has not responded well. I am actually excited about this, because it means that he has been telling his family about Jesus also. In fact, he told me that he thinks it is important that they all receive Christ. (I am reminded of the jailor who believed along with his house-hold after hearing the message from Paul and Silas).

I also went back to visit a granny that was believing. She says she still believes as does her husband. Her neighbor, a young woman in her early twenties, also responded affirmatively, but asked if she could believe in both God and idols also. She said it was important in her family to give food to her ancesters, to take care of the spirit house, etc. She was concerned when I told her that she could not do both, because her father is a maker of idols. She is in a very difficult situation, but I assured her that if she trusted in the Lord, he would help her through it.

Please be in prayer for these: Goson and his wife, the granny and her husband, and the two young women who are their neighbors. Pray that the Lord will bring his light into this village and establish his church.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and especially to PRAY!

Only God Knows the Heart

Well, today I stopped by Narong and Jaan's house to see how they were doing. (Last week, we were prevented from baptizing them due to rain and Jaan running a fever.) But today Jaan gave me some bad news. She said that Narong has never given up his drinking and his mistress and that he is now living with his mistress. This came as quite a shock to me of course. Jaan assured me that she is believing in the Lord, reading her Bible everyday, and that her happiness is not dependent on Narong anymore. She is depending on the Lord.

I don't know where this puts our group meeting. It is still possible that we will be able to have a group around Jaan at the house there, but we will have to see. Her friend, Lek, she said is still believing, but has many problems also.

Please join us in praying for this family. Pray that Narong will come to his senses and truly give his life to the Lord. Pray that this group will be established in Bangkan village. Pray that the Lord will help these that are believing (Jaan and Lek) to grow in him and be baptized.

Monday, September 07, 2009

New Meeting in Deen Kow

Gow and his wife Nit and believers in Deen Kow. They are part of our regular group there, but can't attend often due to his being paralyzed from the waist down and his wife works on Saturday. Tonight, however we had a Bible study at their home and it went really well. In fact, they want to have a regular Bible study there every week. I am excited about this, because it is opening up a new home in a different area of the community. Pray that the Lord will use this new meeting to draw many more people to him.

Rain Rain Rain

We had a good day at our meetings Saturday, although it was a little iffy at times due to a HUGE amount of rain. Turns out we were in the middle of a monsoon. I guess I should watch the weather report occasionally. Our morning meeting was encouraging due to the joy and faith of the believers in attendance. I was pleased that although we didn't have any special childrens activities, they still stayed and took part in the Bible study.

We had planned to baptize Narong and his wife, but it was absolutely pouring rain, the river was way too high, water was edging toward their house, and his wife, Ba Jang had a fever. When it rains, it pours! haha. We just had a short meeting together and prayed for his wife fever to leave her. Please continue to pray for this couple that the Lord will strengthen their faith and that they will be baptized soon.