Saturday, June 27, 2009

And the Deaf Will Hear

Well, maybe they are not totally deaf, but the older ladies in our Deen Kow group are sure hard of hearing. This is a huge problem for two of them, because they can't read either. But today, we saw something amazing. We have received Bible Sticks (MP3 Players that play the NT) from Faith Comes by Hearing Ministry. Today, we gave some to these ladies to see if they could possibly hear the Bible being read to them, and they CAN! Grandma Wian, Grandma Lin, Aunt Rong can now listen to the Bible every day! In addition, FCBH sent us a Proclaimer which is a special box that reads aloud the NT in Thai so everyone can hear. Aunt Rong said that she could hear that too! I believe we are entering a new day in the Deen Kow ministry. Please be praying for these ladies and the others that they may be grounded in the Word of God and that God will use these tools to help them to grow in Christ.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Final Day

On the last day of the NC team, we went into Lampi village to follow-up on people from medical clinic #3. We split up into four teams and went house to house finding the people who were interested and drawn to the gospel. I just praise God! At least half of the people were found and we had the opportunity to share with them. One team reported went to visit a man who possibly gave his life to Jesus. He wasn't home, but his wife had read all of the materials given to him. After sharing with her further and praying with her, she herself prayed and asked Jesus to help her. May the Lord gloriously save both husband and wife. My team got to share with G, 48 years of age, who was very interested in knowing the truth. He is in need of glasses, but he is doing his best to read the Bible. He had many questions. Pray that God will reveal Himself to this man.

In addition, Kristen and Holly from the Missouri team went with our two girls into the local schools to teach Engish. God has really blessed us and opened many doors for the gospel through their efforts. Pray for these two girls and the NC team as they are traveling back to the states.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Truth and Darkness

Tuesday, the NC team went with us into a m@slim area to find people who indicated that they were interested in knowing more about Jesus at the medical clinic. Scott and I went to visit an elderly gentlemen. He wasn't home, but his son came over from across the street to talk with us. This young man (about 25-30) seemed determined to convince us that God did not have a father or mother (and thus no children), that Mary was of Arab descent, etc. i showed him a few things that the Bible says, but after a few minutes it became obvious that it would take quite a long time to talk with him. In addition, I rather felt that he could be preventing us from seeing the people the Lord intended for us to see. We parted on good terms. I hope to be able to go back and talk with him again very soon. Please pray for this young man. (I don't know his name). It is so disturbing see that people are so misinformed and living in darkness apart from the truth. Pray that God will start a fire (a church) in this small village of Ko Khiem and that His Truth may be known among this people.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Taking it to the Streets

Today, the team from Gastonia and I went to Krabi province to work with Ong and share the gospel in several villages where he is working to start a house church. It was a really neat time. We broke into four groups (each with a translator so that everyone could get a chance to share). I think every team got to share quite a few times. Most people were hearing for the very first time. A few had heard a little before as another team had gone through.

My team met several people who seemed to be quite open and listened intently. We followed a little road into the rubber trees and found a little house with a young couple and their mother. Mike shared the gospel while I translated. I noticed that the girl seemed to be finishing what I was saying, so I asked if she had heard the gospel before. She said no. I thought that was strange. Then I realized that she was understanding Mike while he was sharing in ENGLISH! Praise the Lord! When we finished, they asked for a Jesus VCD and so we gave them one along with several other booklets explaining the gospel.

Pray for this family (names unknown). Pray for the NC team over the next four days that the Lord will use them to make his name known in this area!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two Beautiful Meetings

Every Saturday, we have two group meetings.

Yesterday morning, our team from NC joined us at our Deen Kow meeting. It is really amazing, because a couple of men from this team helped find the original couple that received Christ there (Preecha and Arom) nearly 3 years ago. God is so good! We had a wonderful time of praise and then spent the time sharing testimonies from both the NC team and the Thai believers. Ba Siang shared how the Lord delivered her from the evil spirits and Chinese spiritism which is prevailent in our area. Then Jiu shared how the Lord brought her to saving faith in him and healed her from seizures. It was truly an amazing time.

In the evening, I took Ken and Mike, along with Mamee our interpreter, and went to our seeker meeting in Bangkan village (pronounced Bonkin). There we met with Narong and his wife Jan and two others who have been seeking the Lord. We studied Romans 10:9-10 which tells us how we can be saved. Narong had already told me that he had asked Jesus to be his Lord. Now, last night, Jan told us that she too has given her life to the Lord! Praise the Lord!

Thank you for praying for these new believers and seekers! Keep it up! Your prayers are being heard!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Help from North Carolina

As the medical clinic wrapped up, we were so pleased to have a wonderful team from NC here to help us follow up and visit all the interested people. How good God is to work this out this way.

Yesterday, we went back into the Deen Kow area to follow up many interested people from day one of the medical clinic. Many of these even indicated that they wanted to follow Jesus at the clinic. My team met one lady who works in a shop in front of the school. She invited us in and gave us the opportunity to share with her further. She also asked about the group (house church) that is currently meeting in the village. I encouraged her to attend the meeting. She said that she would if she was free. (One problem that Ong later related to me was that several in the village are interested, but have had issues with the lady who lives in the house where we meet. This was before she became a believer). Pray that God will open the door for forgiveness, and allow many of these interested people to start attending the meeting.

Also, yesterday I put a bunch of Burmese Bibles, tracts and Jesus films in the van thinking that we may encounter a couple of Burmese along the way. (While I can't speak the language or disciple them, I know that God can do amazing things!). Anyway, as we were hunted for an older lady who lived way back in the forest, I ran into at least 3 different groups of Burmese who gladly took the Bibles, tracts, and Jesus Films VCDs. Pray for the Burmese of this area, that God will raise up workers to lead them to Him.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sun Shining Through

Yesterday, we hosted our second medical clinic in Ko Khiem village and school, which is a predominantly M*slim area. Although it poured rain all around us, we had very little rain all day... and the people came. Over 215 people came to see the doctors. Many were sent by the health clinic across the street. Around 80% of the people were M*slim. Everyone who came got to hear the gospel and was invited to seek the truth about Jesus. Many people seemed to be very interested in knowing more about the Lord.

As we reflected on the day, we remembered that God's Word does not go forth void. We remember that most are hearing of God's love for the very first time. Pray that many will open their hearts and homes to the Lord as we begin follow-up this week.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rains of Mercy

Today was the first medical clinic in Phang-nga and it poured rain all day. But what God showed us today is that He is in control. Over 200 people from Deen Kow area came to the clinic. A little of half of those were students at the school. We were so blessed to see many people who were responsive to the gospel. Ten people indicated that they would like to receive Christ and another sixty said that they would be glad to have us come and visit them. Many students told us that they would like to start attending our Saturday morning house church. How exciting!

This is not the end of the matter, of course, and we really need the prayers of many on behalf of the people of this community. We ask you to join with us in praying that whole families and whole sections of the Deen Kow community will give their lives to Jesus. Pray that the powers of darkness will fail and that the Kingdom of God will prevail.

We also pray that God's rains of mercy will continue to use this medical team over the next few days. For the Kingdom!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Saturday Group Meetings

Hello friends,

Keith was gracious to me this week in that he took Emily to Bangkok for her four month check-up. Doing this means two eleven-hour bus trips as well as all the waiting that comes with going to the doctor. Her appointments went well and she is a healthy girl. Thanks you so much, Keith, for doing that for me.

With him being gone I had the joy of guiding our Saturday group in Deen Kow through the Bible study, worship, and best of all prayer. Praise the Lord Nui was feeling strong and was able to come to the meeting. That has been his prayer, that the Lord would give him strength.

In Tapriang, I found all the ladies gathered at my friend's home playing cards (gambling). This is an illegal activity, but no one seems to care. Only God has the power to penetrate a heart and change it forever. Please beg the Father to do this in Tapriang. Pray that Nam, the young Christian girl, will have the courage to follow the Lord in baptism and be a light for those around her.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Interested Teacher

Yesterday, while out sharing with Num, we met a teacher who teaches in a public school. More than half of the students in his school are M*slim while the rest are Buddhist. He told me that he teaches his students about all the major religions including Christianity. As a result, he was very interested in what we have to say from the perspective of a teacher.

He was eager to compare and contrast these differing religions. Most people here think all religions are the same, so I was encouraged to see that he could see the differences. He was eager to get both the Jesus film and the Bible, so I gave him both.

Pray for this teacher that as he watches the Jesus film and reads God's Word, he will immediately recognize the Truth. Pray that he will be convicted and put His trust in Jesus.