Saturday, May 30, 2009

Growing Faith

This morning, at our Saturday house church, I was again praising the Lord for the faith and the growth that I see in these new believers. Following our Bible study, one of the women, Jiu, confessed to us that she was struggling with how God could forgive her that she had had an abortion in the past. What a joy it was to share scripture with her and see how she could put her trust in the Lord. We were again reminded that the amazing GRACE of our Lord is much greater than our sin, no matter what it was.

As we were reading from scripture, I was also excited to see how Preecha, a man in his late sixties and former alcoholic, was determined to read God's Word. It is amazing how he is able to stay with the lesson and is determined to learn and grow and as a believer.

I also see Narin growing. In the past, she has looked down on Na Nui because his faith wasn't very strong and he was struggling. But today, I saw her go out of her way to visit him and to pray with him. We could see that the love of Christ is growing in her.

What a joy it is to see people growing in the Lord. Not because of anything we have done, but because of the Word of God taking root in their lives and growing. Please continue to pray for these and others as they grow in the faith. Pray also for Narong, pictured here, as he has just recently prayed and asked to receive Christ.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Open Hearts

Today, Ong and Ning joined Pastor Bragop and I as went went out to share the gospel in a couple country villages. We went first to the home of Somchai. Ong had previously shared with him and he seemed interested. Ong shared with him first, and then he told us that he still had a lot to consider. He is realizing that if he decides to follow Jesus, he will have to leave behind Buddhist and that many big changes will happen in his family. While he was talking, however, two other ladies showed up (members of his family). They seemed VERY interested, so we shared with them further. Pastor Bragop also shared with them and invited them to his church in town. We pray that the Holy Spirit will touch their lives and open their hearts in surrender to him.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pray for Na Nuey

This morning I took Na Nuey to the doctor again. I mentioned a few weeks ago that he has a mass near his liver. It turns out that his problems are much greater than that. He has been HIV positive for some time. I found out a few days ago that his wife died from AIDS a few years back. Honestly, he look like he has AIDS. He is all skin and bones. He can hardly eat and now down to about 100 pounds. His life is really in God's hands now. The doctors cannot do anything for him.

Over the last couple of months, I believe his faith in the Lord is getting stronger. Please pray for him that he will truly believe and trust God. His life is very difficult right now and he has no one to care for him.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bangkan Seeker Group

This evening, we had another meeting with our newest seeker group in Bangkan village. We had three of our regulars present plus two ladies who sat in for the first time. It was a good meeting. I was greatly encouraged by the faith of N'rong and his wife and his friend. The other regulars could not be there due to jobs. N'rong recommended we try meeting Saturday night instead, so we are going to try that.

Tonight, we studied what the Bible has to say about idols. We look at a passage that showed what the early believers did with their idols and sorcery paraphenelia. I was encouraged, because they each said that they had no problem getting rid of the things of this sort in their homes. (Most of these come from a Buddhist background with assorted idol worship on the side).

N'rong's wife comes from Chiang Mai in the north. I think that much of their desire to become Christians is due to members of their family in the north becoming Christians. It is exciting to see that what happens in one place can affect people in other parts of Thailand as well.

Please keep praying for this group. This Saturday evening we will meet again. God bless!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Believer

It was an exciting meeting this evening in Bangkan Village. Narong (the person of peace) told me and everyone there that he had given his life to Jesus. Not only that, but tonight six people were present. We sang six or seven songs. They all seem to really enjoy the worship music. Then, we studied John 14 and the things Jesus promised to those who follow Him (i.e. the Holy Spirit). We also talked a great deal about the difference between man's idea of good works and what it means to be obedient to God. As they read the scriptures aloud, I couldn't help but sense that most everyone there seems to be believing and excited about what they are studying. I left the meeting just praising God all the way home. He is so true to His promises! Please continue to pray for these who are seeking God: N-rong, S-tin, Yai Bot, and the others. (I don't know all their names yet!)

On a side note, I saw a cobra today on the road (alive!). It was pretty big! I was driving to where we were going to evangelize, and everyone started yelling. I don't actually see those very often. I know... that is probably good!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ba Siang, a believer in our Deen Kow house church group, shared this experience with us this past Saturday. She said that she traveled with several people in her village to Bangkok to see the King of Thailand on Coronation Day. On this day hundreds of thousands of Thais packed Ratchadamnoen Avenue to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the King's coronation. She said it was a very exciting time.

Afterwards, many of her friends decided to go to Wat PraGow (a huge Buddhist temple located near the King's palace). She shared with them that, as a believer in Jesus, she couldn't go in and bow before the idols.

This is not an easy stand to make in this country. Praise God for her strong faith and that she gave witness to Jesus. She also told us that she shared with everyone in the van about her relationship with God through Jesus. Pray that God will continue to use her witness to bring many more into saving faith through Jesus Christ. Pray for the other Thai believers in this community that they will also be emboldened to share!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

God is Working!

Thursday evening, I met again with a group of adults studying the gospel in Bangkan village. Over the past several weeks, we have studied God and Creation, The Fall of Man, A Savior is Born, Jesus the Son of God, His Death on Cross, and His Resurrection. Last night, we studied how he will return and all of us must stand before the judgement seat of God. We looked at scriptures regarding the Book of Life and whose names are written there. They had many questions. At the close of our study, there is an example prayer of how one can invite Christ into their life. I encouraged them to take this step seriously and make sure they are ready before they commit their lives to Jesus. At this point, Narong (the owner of the house) said that when I meet him next week, he will have invited Jesus into His life!

You can just guess how thrilled I am! Please be in prayer for this small band of adults, that they will indeed decide to follow Jesus and commit their lives to Him. Pray for me that the Lord will give me wisdom to disciple them correctly and teach his Word faithfully.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Songkran Water Festival (Video)

This video was taken a few weeks ago during the annual Thai holiday where everyone goes out and engages in a big water fight. It is rather fun! Emily and Josh rode in the back of the truck in this video. I rode in the cab with the driver, my neighbor Jarin. You will hear him laughing in the video. Josh had a great time until people began throwing ICE water on them. He didn't enjoy that so much. Please be praying for Jarin and his family. We have shared the gospel with them, but they have not been responsive. Pray that the Lord will open their hearts and give them eyes to see.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Ko Khiem Village

Here is a picture of a granny I met last week while passing out tracts.

Yesterday, I went to Ko Khiem village where we have an outreach group that meets every Sunday afternoon. This particular group is mostly children, but on this day most were absent and had gone out with family. However, the Lord gave us a delightful opportunity to share with 2 middle-aged ladies, about 6-7 children, and another 85 year old grandmother. Because they have been studying the basics of the gospel over the past several months, I took some time to review what they were studying to see if any were believing and ready to give their lives to Jesus.

Honestly, the children don't seem to be ready, the two ladies appear to be hesitant, but the 85 year old grandmother (Yai Nam) said that she believes. I talked with her a little and feel that I need to talk with her further, but I was excited that she was not hesitant to declare her faith. Please pray for Yai Nam that she will truly understand and come to the place of giving her life to the Lord.