Thursday, April 30, 2009

This evening, I took Ong with me to visit our newest seeker group in Bangan village. What a blessing! Mr. Narong was ready and waiting on us along with his wife, Jan. Within a few minutes, they gathered together 2 other adults who have been coming to the meetings. In addition, a 25 year old man (Ot) drove his motorbike up and sat and listened the whole meeting. We took a CD with some worship songs and took a few minutes to introduce to them what it means to praise God with singing. They happily joined in as we sang. Ong then reviewed the last couple of lessons to make sure they understand everything. Tonight, we studied the crucifixion of Jesus. What a joy it was to see them make statements of understanding and even belief! To top it off, they then asked about how they should pray to God. After sharing a few scriptures with them, we prayed with them again and drove home rejoicing.

Please join us in prayer for these people God is calling to be his own: Narong, Jan, Ot, Lek, Yawn, and a few others. Pray that God will draw them to himself, solidify their faith in him, and help them to stand even amidst reproof from their families and friends.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Long day today. Na Nuey is about 56 years old and has been a believer now for more than a year in the Deen Kow house church. He has been very sick this past month and not hardly able to eat anything. I took him to the hospital (again) this morning. I finally persuaded the nurse to let me look at his chart and it looks like he has a mass near his liver. I am taking him back to see a surgeon on Friday. Please join with me in praying for him. Pray that God will heal him and that he will be a testimony to those around him.

This evening, I also had a Bible study time with Gao (Nuey's brother) and Nit again. We had a good discussion about marriage. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them now that they are believers and that they will allow him to tranform their lives and relationship to what is pleasing to God. Gao is the man who is paralyzed from the waist down.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hope for Thailand!

Here is a picture from a few weeks ago when the team of Thai seminary students was here. We had gone to do a children's activity in one of our villages, and found out that the husband of one of our faithful housechurch members had passed away. Even though the husband was a Christian, the people of the village will still hold a Buddhist ceremony for him. We asked permission for the team to have a Christian ceremony there at the Buddhist temple. We sang several songs for the curious onlookers, and then Ong shared the gospel and the reason why we have hope as Christians. It truly was a very memorable and moving experience!
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Friday, April 24, 2009

I was reading this this morning and wanted to share it with you. It is from E.M. Bounds on Prayer, which I highly recommend. Here it is:

"Little prayer is the characteristic of a backslidden age and of a backslidden church. Whenever there is little praying in the pulpit or in the pew, spiritual bankruptcy is imminent and inevitable. Around us is a world lost in sin, above us is a God willing and able to save. It is our duty to build the bridge that links heaven and earth, and prayer is the mighty instrument that does the work."

Thursday, April 23, 2009

One of my favorite things this month is that Tracy is going out with me (married for 21 years now) on Wednesdays to visit with members of our groups, disciple them, and share the gospel with their family and friends. This past Wednesday, we visited with Yai Wian and Yai Lin, a couple of old grannies in our groups. We also stopped by to see Ba Bow, a lady who prayed to receive Christ a few weeks ago, but unfortunately has a real drinking problem.
Then, we had a special Bible study time with a young couple, Gao and Nit. Gao is the one who is paralyzed from the waist down and who was baptized last week. His brother Nui joined in also. Gao hadn't been able to come to our regular meetings, but he now seems to be stronger, both physically and spiritually.
Pray for these I have mentioned above. These young believers need your prayers!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yesterday, I thought I would see if the son of a local pastor could go share the gospel with me. However, he wasn't feeling well. His dad, the pastor, said that he would like to go. So we went out together to share the gospel. The first place we went was a Islam village, because we had found several people there who seemed interested a few weeks ago. However, yesterday it seemed like they were afraid to say much. (There can be a lot of pressure in the Islam communities to avoid us.) We were talking to one woman, and a man came up and said that they were all Islam. We did give her and another woman a workbook which uses scripture to take them through the gospel, but it was an uncomfortable situation.

Following that, we went into another community (primarily Buddhist this time). We were able to pass out tracts and share the gospel with a few people, but no one seemed very interested. Then, we were able to spend about 30-40 minutes talking with two ladies and a man. At first, they weren't interested, but after explaining a little more about Jesus, they began asking questions. We ended up with a good conversation. They also said that they wouldn't mind if we came back and shared some more. Pray for these people in Grasom village.

As we were driving home, Pastor Bragop told me that he would like to go with me often, as in several times a week. Pray for this pastor that God will use him greatly in sharing, in preaching, in discipling, and give him a big vision for reaching people in this area.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What a great day to Praise the Lord! Today, Gaow was baptized. Gaow is a young man (around 30) who was injured in a tree accident about 4 years ago and has been paralyzed from the waist down ever since. He became a believer along with his girlfriend about a year ago, but was hospitalized due to a bedsore which prevented him from being baptized.

For the last month or so, I have been visiting him once a week for the dual purpose of discipling him and also to help me learn to speak southern Thai. This past Wednesday, when I visited him, I asked him if he was ready to be baptized and he said YES! Baptism is such an important step (especially for the Thais) as it signifies them crossing the line in the sand and saying, "I am on the side of the Lord Jesus!"

Please be praying for Gaow and his girlfriend Nit that they will grow in Christ and become a godly man and woman in the Lord.

Friday, April 17, 2009

New Seeker Group

Yesterday, I met for the second time with a group of adults in the Bankan village. The man who invited us to his home, Narong, is very excited to learn about Jesus. I honestly believe God is calling both he and his wife. The first week they had 5 other adults present. Yesterday, it was just four, but I can see that they are all genuinely interested. From what I can tell, each has already watched the Jesus film. They kept telling me that the movie told them the same things I told them, (except more clearly I am sure). Narong also told me that he has relatives in Chiang Mai (north Thailand) who are also learning about Jesus and attending church there.
Soooo.... please be praying for this group of adults (Narong is the man of peace).