Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thai Students at Work!

God is doing great things! This past week we have been joined by a team of students from the Baptist Bible school in Bangkok. They have been sharing with our neighbors around us and down the block and all over this area of Satun. Last week, one of the groups met Bang Go. He listened to their message with great interest. He wouldn't take a copy of scriptures, but he took them to eat a Thai desert and is open to more visits. Another group of students shared with a grandmother on the main road. She shows every evidence of believing in Christ. Praise God! They will be going back to visit with her and her family this week. The last couple of days, they have been staying in an island village conducting a soccer camp and children's activities and getting to know the people there. They have met one young believer we have found there. Pray for this team right now! Pray that God will pour out his HS upon them and put his Word in their mouths. Pray for His guidance. Pray for the team as they take part in hospital clinics for patients on Wed and Fri (Tues and Thur night your time). Pray that they will be used effectively. AND pray for us (the Richards) also, that we will be focused on the work that God has for us. that we will not be distracted. That we will pray much, pray long, and pray hard. To God be the Glory! ---K

Friday, March 09, 2012

Tragic News

We had not seen our friend Yee in several weeks. Yee is about 35 and runs a local diner. He was one who we had been sharing with and who seemed very interested. He is always so friendly to us and welcomes us gladly when come to see him. After our volunteer teams left, Yo (my intern) stopped by to see him. He called me with the stunning news, "Yee is dead!" Apparently, he had passed out while on a boat trip to a local island and never woke up. We don't know if it was due to sunstroke or heart attack or what? We were truly shocked. Neither Yo nor I knew what to say. This week, we will try to visit his wife and their two young children (their baby daughter is less than a year old). Pray that the Lord will show us what to say. This certainly reminds us that life is only temperary and we shouldn't take each other for granted.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pray for the Sick

A door has been opened for us to share with HIV patients through the 2 teams from Arkansas this past month. Together, we came alongside hospitals trying to minister to these patients. Through games, singing worship songs, pictures of their families, passing out snacks, dancing, praying for and loving on these patients, God used these teams to give us and our Thai nationals many opportunities to verbally share the story of His love. In addition, the hospital administrators, nurses, and even district leaders gave us approval to continual to host activities and follow up with these patients. Given that they already know that we are Christians, we see this as a major break-through. Pray for Dane and Jar, grandparents of Oriah, a five-year-old who was infected from her parents who have already passed away. Pray for Jinn, the leader of one of the networks here who himself is infected. He has heard the gospel before and seems open to learn more. Pray for Pat. He is not infected, but his wife is. He is greatly concerned that his 2 children could possibly be infected. Pray for Sue Maria, a young women expecting twins. She is already infected. Pray that it will not be passed on to her children. We met these people and encountered many more heart-breaking stories this past week. Pray that God will open their hearts to receive the hope of his love and the life that only he can give.